Environmental monitoring
Radiation protection monitoring of the FRM II also includes immission monitoring.
Measured values monitored periodically
The FRM II and an independent measuring station each examine samples from the area surrounding the reactor for their radioactivity content as part of the "Guideline for Emission and Immission Monitoring of Nuclear Facilities (REI)". These include groundwater and Isar water, air and soil samples, plants, milk and fish.
Measured values continuously monitored
As a nuclear facility, the FRM II is also continuously monitored (around the clock) by the Bavarian nuclear reactor remote monitoring system (KFÜ), which is operated by the LfU. It is used both for official supervision of the plant and for the early detection of faults.
Weather tower records data
The Oskar-von-Miller tower records the weather data on the campus in Garching.
The Meteorological Institute of the Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich operates a weather station on the Oskar-von-Miller-tower of the Garching Campus on behalf of the FRM II. With the help of recorded weather data (wind direction, speed and precipitation) and the radioactive emissions, the annual radiation dose is calculated for a representative person sample person.