The FRM II open day
The staff of the FRM II welcomes the public at this day of open doors to inform about the basic neutron research, the industrial and medical applications of neutrons and about the safety installations of the facility. At the guided tours, the visitors can take a look into the reactor pool, see the scientific instruments of the experimental hall and neutron guide hall.
Guided tours
You can participate on a guided tour of the FRM II.
Guided by scientists, groups can have a look on the open reactorpool from the visitors' window and get explanations of the different instruments in the experimental hall and the neutron guide hall.
Short term changes of the programme are possible.
Please note:
- Minimum age of visitors: 18 years
- Valid identity card or passport required (driving licence is not accepted!)
- Due to radiation protection the visit of pregnant women and nursing mothers must be denied.
- No cameras or mobile phones are allowed
- Sturdy shoes are recommended (grates!)
- Tours are in German language only
Short movies
- Ein Licht für die Wissenschaft, die Forschungsneutronenquelle FRM II (30min)
- Eine Reise in den Motor, Neutronenradiographie am FRM II (10 min)
- Ausbau des Brennelements an der Neutronenquelle (4 min)
→ (movies will be shown in the physics department)
Talks in German language will be given in the physics department:
- 18:00 - 18:30 Uhr Licht im Dunkeln - Forschung mit Neutronen (Prof. Dr. Winfried Petry, FRM II)
- 19.00 - 19.30 Uhr Strahlentherapie mit Neutronen (Dr. Birgit Loeper, FRM II)
- 20.00 - 20.30 Uhr Antimaterie am FRM II - Was macht das Positron in Materie? (Dr. Christoph Hugenschmidt, FRM II)
- 21:00 - 21:30 Uhr Industrielle Nutzung an der Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (Dr. habil. Ralph Gilles, FRM II)